"If a dog bit a man, that is not news. If a man bit a dog, that is news"


Why does man become less civilized in the icrease of technology?

As everyone knows, man is the greatest creation made by God. Even though we are made from the soils of the Earth beneath our feet, we are given something much more powerful than the rest of His other creations. We are given the ability to think and make wise judgments in order to create a harmonial balance in this world of ours.

In Islam, man are considered God's khalifah or His' apprentice. These apprentices are designed to help make this world a better place to live in for all of his creations. But why does now, in this era of vast and constant technology, man has become much less than what they were before? At this age of time, people expect that we will be more civilized than before, but unfortunately these cases proved otherwise.

Technology has evolved in ways that we cannot imagined possible. From the first creation of the radio, then the ever-popular television, to the creation of mobile phones and the Internet. In the early days, technology were only used by the milltary and the government for the purpose of war. Technology were indeed useful then and was developed to further help mankind in every way possible. Now we can see, even children are using technology in their daily lives. Even myself, when i was just a 10-year-old, I had a mobile phone of my own. This was for the purpose of my safety.

The question is now: Does this extensive amount of technology made man less than what they have become? The answer is yes and no. man has indeed benefit from the creation of technology, but unfortunately they have gotten the disadvantages of the electronics as well.

In the news written by The Star Online (25th January 2010), there has been a hate-page dedicated solely toward the Malaysian actress, Fasha Sandha. This site which has been created on the social-networking site-Facebook, has over 40, 000 followers and wishes to acquire one million followers. These people have used technology to defame and destroy a reputation of a person instead than for the purpose of good.

In other cases, people are more and more addicted to their electronics. In a household there would be a dad that will spend every minute possible with his phone calls, a daughter would spend hours on social-networking sites such as MySpace or Facebook, mothers sticking their noses in the paperbacks of tabloid journalim and a son that would spend countless of hours on his Xbox. Somehow now, technology is used to incorporate our guilty-pleasures.

Technology also has incoporate plenty of violence and sex in the Internet, games and even into the television content. This is because they know that these genre sells to the public. What they do not know is how much it is affecting the mind-building of children and students around the globe. Therefore you would see students up to criminal acts and violent behaviour just becaused they misused technology.

Man has forgotten their purpose being on this beautiful planet of ours. Some even have forgotten their responsibilities towards their family,their firends and especially, their respective Gods. The more modern technology gets, the more people are sucked into it. This is not the fault of technology but the fault of man's own.

Technology can benefit us in so many ways and can help us broaden our minds to the world, to accept ones culture and their ways of behaviour. But we must always take a step back and realize of what is important and what is not. If we don’t, then the world might just be destroyed by technology itself.

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